Thursday, 16 August 2012


Learn How To Make Your Own Website In 4-5 Simple Steps

Would you like know the steps you have to take to create a website all on your own? Really, there are just five simple steps you need to follow to design one easily and effortlessly.What five steps do you need to take to make your own website so that others may see what you have to say or even sell?

Step 1 – Register Your Domain Name

Step 2 – Setup Your Hosting Account

Step 3 – Set The Domain Servers At The Registrar

Step 4 – Installing WordPress Cms In A Few Clicks

Step 5 – Configuring WordPress and publish  Making Your Website Your own

Step 1 – Register Your Domain Name

You don't need a domain name to put up a website. You can put up a site on free hosting or even paid hosting plans without a domain name. A domain name provides extra branding for your site and makes it easier for people to remember the URL. But domain names cost money, typically between $8 and $35 a year. LEARN HOW TO REGISTER YOUR DOMAIN NAME

Step 2 – Setup Your Hosting Account

Hosting is where you put your website and all the Web pages. While it's possible to build a website on your personal computer and never move it online, it's somewhat pointless. No one but you will ever be able to see it. So the first thing you'll want to do is find a Web hosting provider.There are several types of Web hosting options you can choose from:LEARN HOW TO SETUP YOUR HOSTING ACCOUNT

Step 3 – Set The Domain Servers At The Registrar

After you have purchased Web Hosting Account you need to modify Domain Name Serversat your domain registrar LEARN HOW TO SET DOMAIN NAME SERVER AT YOUR REGISTRAR

Step 4 – Installing WordPress Cms In A Few Clicks

The best choice for a blog application would be WordPress. Wordpress is an Open Source blog tool which offers a rich set of features as well as a large supporting community.WordPress has an intuitive administration interface which anyone can handle. In WordPress you will be able to compose a post and publish it on your website with just a few clicks! With WordPress you can easily customize the look of your website for there are lots of free WordPress themes available on the Net.LEARN HOW TO INSTALL WORDPRESS

Step 5 – Configuring WordPress and publish  Making Your Website Your own

After installing the WordPress you need to Configure WordPressSelect Design, inputContent for your various Pages and Publish.LEARN HOW TO CONFIGURE AND PUBLISH WORDPRESS .

1 comment:

  1. It is my pleasure in learning about this topic. I have found it extremely useful. Want to build a website? Read on.

    how to build a website
